My name is Luna. Yes Luna, like the girl from Harry Potter. It’s a comparison I am quite happy with.

My main bread and butter for both reading and writing is young adult fantasy. But like all those people who say they listen to all types of music, I read all types of books.

I started writing at the ripe old age of 27. I wasn’t one of those authors who fell in love with writing when she was 6 and wrote stories for her family all through grade school. I didn’t even know I loved writing until I started the outline for my first novel. But now, I’m obsessed with it. In a way, I love my story because it reminds us that you’re never too old to start writing.

Here are some more things you might like to know about me (and some you probably don’t care about):

1. I am a writer
2. I am currently revising my second novel which is a young adult fantasy
3. I live in the Mid-West
4. I have an adorable dog I love more than life itself
5. My favorite color is purple. Dark purple. Not like a lilac purple. I’m talking deep purple, like the kind royalty wears.
6. My favorite food is crackers. I’m not joking. I love crackers.
7. I’m the only person you’ll ever meet who gets excited when she gets stopped at train tracks because I love watching trains go by.
8. My celebrity dinner party would include: Tina Fey, Sara Bareilles, J.K. Rowling, Justin Timberlake, Jimmy Fallon (cause you can’t have one without the other), and Chris Pine because he will be my husband.
9. I went to school for Marketing but discovered my passion for writing fiction a few years ago whilst talking with a friend about ideas for books.

10. I love making lists.


If you’d like to get to know me better, follow me on social media

If you’d like to know more about my writing, click HERE