Fierce Females of YA Fantasy
One of the best developments in the young adult literary world is the emergence of the fierce females of YA fantasy. I’m always on the lookout for books that feature strong, confident yet flawed female protagonists. It seems like the females of YA fantasy stand apart from other genres. These gals hold their own in a fight, whether it’s a physical one or mental one. They inspire us to bravery, to face things we didn’t think capable of. The best females of YA fantasy grow and learn from their mistakes. Courage courses through them, especially when they are afraid. All in all, these gals are my role models. One day, I want to grow up to be more like a fierce, indominable females of YA fantasy. 
Throne of Glass book cover
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Celaena Sardothian
Technically this series was inspired by the story of Cinderella. Just imagine Cinderella as an infamous assassin who has like ten daggers on her at all times and is NOT afraid to stand up for herself.  Which is exactly what she does when she’s taken out of prison and brought to the capital by the Crowned Prince to fight as his champion in a competition that could result in her freedom if she wins. 
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Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Inej and Nina
I’m a big fan of ensemble casts, especially in heist situations. But what I LOVE about this story is that, in my opinion, the females are the coolest people in the ensemble. Inej and Nina bring different specialties to the group. They are very different, but equally fierce. Inej can sneak into any place. She’s as invisible as a flesh and blood person can be. And she’s not scared to enter any situation. And Nina, well, she knows who she is and loves it. That is one of the fiercest fierces there is. 
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YA Duology Six of Crows book cover
Flame in the Mist book Cover
Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh
In my opinion, Mulan is one of the coolest Disney females, which is why I couldn’t read Flame in the Mist, inspired by the legend of Mulan, fast enough. Mariko has all the requirements of a strong female protagonist: unwavering bravery, crazy intelligent and inventive, willing to stand up for herself, perfectly capable of protecting herself. And she does all then when she runs from a dead end future of an arranged marriage to go incognito in a rebel group to find out who wants to kill her and why.
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Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Zélie Adebola
Zelie is legit one of the fiercest females I’ve ever read. Her connection to her family, culture and magical roots, along with the injustice she witnesses towards her people, drives her to intense acts of bravery. Her mission gives her strength and inspires the people around her. Even with the odds stacked against her and increasing doubts in her own mind, she doesn’t give up and chooses to trust in herself. Oh, and her magical abilities are legit amazing.
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Storm Siren book cover
Storm Siren by Mary Weber
Nym has the fierce magical power of creating storms and calling lightning to strike people she’s angry at. Not too shabby. What’s more fierce than her power? Her attitude. Nym is also a slave, sold from one owner to the next until she ends up being trained as a weapon in a war between kingdoms. But she never let’s her circumstances tame that fiery spirit that pushes her into defiance against those trying to keep her in chains (metaphorical, of course).
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Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
Mare Barrow
There are so many things that make Mare Barrow from the Red Queen series fierce. She’s strong-willed, has sacrificial love towards those she cares about, and is determined to protect her loved ones. However, in my opinion, her most fierce quality is her resoluteness in pursuing the world of equality and compassion she dreams about. She’s willing to risk it all and stand up for what she believes in to see this reality come to pass.
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Red Queen book cover
Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
Safiya and Iseult
Not only does Truthwitch have two awesome, inspiring female protagonists, but the foundation of the plot is based on a fierce friendship. Both Safiya and Iseult have mighty powers and incredible combat skills that make them dangerous in their own right. But it’s their character  and relationship that makes them strong. Both have been through trials, but their friendship has brought them out on the other side wiser, braver and stronger. There is nothing they wouldn’t do to save the world and protect each other. 
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A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Sometimes life forces you to step up and take charge. That certainly is what happened with Feyre in A Court of Thorns and Roses. I mean, the story opens with her taking on a huge wolf with a bow and arrow because she needs the meat to feed her family since her father won’t do anything. But Feyre’s courage and strength grows throughout the story as love enters the picture. Further proof that love doesn’t make us weak, it makes us a force to be reckoned with.
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A Court of Thorns and Ruins book cover
An Ember in the Ashes book cover
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
No, Helene is not the main female protagonist in this book. However, I think she is an unsung fierce female hero. She’s suffered through years of hard training to become a fighting machine, besting even the most talented boys in her class. Just as in the book, I think her fierceness is underestimated. Yes, she is part of a corrupt ruling organization, but she doesn’t blindly follow like some. She fights back in her own way by being more loyal to her closest friend than the powers that be, even when she thinks he’s making a mistake. That takes guts of steel. 
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