One of my most common phrases is “I’ll do it when I have time.” There are so many things I want to do in my life but unfortunately I haven’t figured out how to add hours to the day. I am a writer, but I also have a full time job at an advertising agency. I’m incredibly blessed to have a job number one, but to also have one that doesn’t require much overtime. Yet it’s still hard to squeeze in writing when I’m exhausted by the time I get home and my weekends fill up with chores I didn’t have time to do during the week.

But a year or so ago I came to a realization: Life is all about prioritizing. Writing is my passion and my dream is to be a full time writer one day. In order to make that dream a reality, I have to write. I have to spend time writing and doing things that get me closer to that goal. And if my apartment isn’t always spic and span, then that’s okay. And if I can’t hang out with friends every night, that’s okay too. I’m allowed to say no sometimes so I can spend time pursuing my passion. And it’s okay for you to say no too.

Here are some tricks I’ve incorporated into my life that allows me to spend more time writing and prevent it from being pushed down on my priority list:

  1. Decide on a realistic amount of time you can spend each night writing. One of the most vital steps in becoming a writer is consistency. We need to write every day (or almost every day) to get better. If you’re trying to build some sweet arm muscles, you’re not going to lift weights once a month then beat someone in an arm wrestle. Writing on a consistent basis instills a habit and gives you practice. And I’m not even telling you to make it some big time duration. I want you to pick an amount of time you think you can realistically dedicate to writing each day. Maybe that’s an hour. Maybe it’s half an hour. Maybe it’s only 10 minutes, I don’t care. Just pick an amount and decide to stick to it.
  2. Choose a time of day to write. Once you know how long you want to write each day, pick a time of day to do said writing. I would lean towards a time you know in general you’re going to be free. I can’t do the morning. I’m horrible at waking up on time and being alert any time before 9:00am, regardless of caffeine. And if I do have plans during the week they typically happen right after work. So that left me with later in the evening, around 9:30pm. I’m usually always home by then, plus it’s quiet around my apartment. What time of day is quiet for you? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Pick a time you are most likely to succeed in building a habit
  3. Find a place to write. I think it’s incredibly important to have a dedicated space to write in your home. It makes it feel more official, like a part time job maybe (which it is, but a very fun one). I know for myself, I have a corner of my guest room set up as my office where I always write. It makes what I’m doing feel important because it has its own space. Plus you can set it up to be whatever you need to inspire in your writing. I would also recommend it be a quiet space. If you have kids, maybe don’t set up shop in the living room where the TV is going or kids are playing. It should be a place you can go to as an escape from every day life and dive into the worlds you’re creating through words.
  4. Set an alarm. Okay, we’ve got the duration, we’ve got the time picked and the location. All that’s left is to actually remember to write. Sometimes this is the hardest part for me, I can get so caught up in everything else I have to do in life I lose track of time and before I know it, it’s midnight and I’m still folding my clothes. So I have resorted to setting an alarm on my phone and telling myself I have to drop everything at 9:30 when that alarm goes off and head to my desk to write magic.
  5. Remember why you want to write. Sometimes the most effective way for me to squeeze in writing is remember why I love it. I love creating stories, making up new worlds, and crafting characters that feel real to me. I love the idea that one day people will read my book and it will bring them joy, that they’ll feel like they can escape the busyness of life and get lost in a story I create. I love coming up with ideas and putting them on paper. Nothing excites me more than writing. I’ve set up reminders of this around my house. From the bookshelves in my living room to the encouraging cards I’ve received telling me how proud they are of my writing, I like to remind myself of my passion. Seeing those reminders gets me itching to sit down and type. Maybe for you it’s just adding a note to yourself in that alarm that says “Writing is your passion,” or whatever gets you excited about it. Don’t ever forget why you love writing or why you do it.

Those seem easy enough right? Just kidding. The longer I adult, the more I realize nothing is as easy as it seems. But I sincerely hope these tips help you to get more writing time worked into your life and that it brings you joy and gets you closer to achieving your writing dreams.